Sunday, March 9, 2008

Grails Command-Line Help

Because our Sparrow is a learning project for Grails.So,let me list the command-line help for how to create a they are:
Usage: grails [target]
"create-app" - Create a new grails app
"create-controller" - Create a new controller
"create-service" - Create a new service
"create-domain-class" - Create a new domain class
"create-taglib" - Create a new tag library class
"create-test-suite" - Create a new test suite
"create-job" - Create a quartz scheduled job
"generate-controller" - Generates a controller from a domain class
"generate-views" - Generates the views from a domain class
"generate-all" - Generates all artifacts from a domain class
"test-app" - Run current app's unit tests
"run-app" - Run the application locally and wait
"create-webtest" - Create the functional test layout
"run-webtest" - Run the functional tests for a running app
"shell" - Opens the Grails interactive command line shell
"console" - Opens the Grails interactive swing console
"war" - Create a deployable Web Application Archive (WAR)

While you run these will note at this point that Grails uses the Apache Ant.

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