Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Add bookmark on docbook PDF

In this article I'll discuss two points about docbook that generate to PDF.I use the ant to generate docbook,following is my ant file.


- target: build-pdf

- description: Iterates through a directory and transforms

- .xml files into .fo files which can then be turned into DocBook XML

- files.


<target name="build-pdf" depends="depends"

description="Generates PDF files from DocBook XML">

<xslt style="${fo.stylesheet}" extension=".fo"

basedir="${basedir}/src" destdir="${target.dir}/fo">

<classpath refid="xalan.classpath" />

<include name="**/*.xml" />

<exclude name="**/*chapter*.xml"/>


<property name="fop.home" value="${basedir}/lib/fop-0.95"/>

<taskdef name="fop" classname="">


<fileset dir="${fop.home}/lib">

<include name="*.jar"/>


<fileset dir="${fop.home}/build">

<include name="fop.jar" />




<fop format="application/pdf"

outdir="${target.dir}/pdf" basedir="${target.dir}/fo">

<fileset dir="${target.dir}/fo">

<include name="*.fo"/>




following is my dobook segment:

<title>Section 1 title</title>



<title>section 2 title</title>





<para>witing something...</para>




Now the question is;
1)I want to display the label of section.
2)I want to display the bookmark in PDF.

The final solution is change the param.xml file.
1)to display the label of section:
change following line
<xsl:param name="section.autolabel" select="0">

to this line

<xsl:param name="section.autolabel" select="1">

2)to display the bookmark in PDF.

change following line

<xsl:param name="fop1.extensions" select="0">

to this line

<xsl:param name="fop1.extensions" select="1">

Note:don't change following line otherwise you will get an exception like:
No element mapping definition found for (Namespace URI: "", Local Name: "destination")

<xsl:param name="fop.extensions" select="0">

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