Friday, September 12, 2008

How to change the locale in Grails.

It's simple to change the locale in Grail,just need put a param after you url.A better method is put a link in your template file,and include it in every your page,then write following code:


<g:link controller="${params.controller}" action="${params.action}" params="[lang:'en']" class="menuButton">English</g:link>



<g:link controller="${params.controller}" action="${params.action}" params="[lang:'de']" class="menuButton">German</g:link>


then you will have a change language in every page.or another way you can put this code in your layout.gsp file directly.


davala said...


Anonymous said...

Perfect. Thank you for the tip. Implemented Swedish English locale change using your tip.

Anonymous said...

I'm having a problem...

Suppose you are in a show page, if you change the language in that page, then I receive an error and I loose the rest of the params that were in the map.
Do you know how I can solve this?

By the way, it was really helpful.

Thanks in advance.

Mariano Capurro said...

For the show page to work you have to add id="${}" to the g:link tag.

Unknown said...

Hi I have a question, did you know how to autodetect client browser region settings using grails?

your answers will be much appreciated. tnx alot.

Rachat de credit said...

Thanks a ton it was a very good support, now to change the locale in grails. is definitely very easy with your recommendation. Thank you